Poodle Club, Inc.
Orlando, Florida


General Appearance, Carriage and Condition

That of a very active, intelligent and elegant- appearing dog, squarely built, well

proportioned, moving soundly and carrying himself proudly. Properly clipped in the

traditional fashion and carefully groomed, the Poodle has about him an air of distinction

and dignity peculiar to himself.

Size, Proportion, Substance

SIZE - The Standard Poodle is over 15 inches at the highest point of the shoulders. Any Poodle which is 15 inches or less in height shall be disqualified from competition as a Standard Poodle.

            The Miniature Poodle is 15 inches or under at the highest point of the shoulders, with a minimum height in excess of 10 inches. Any Poodle which is over 15 inches or is 10 inches or less at the highest point of the shoulders shall be disqualified from competition as a Miniature Poodle.

            The Toy Poodle  is 10 inches or under at the highest point of the shoulders. Any Poodle which is more than 10 inches at the highest point of the shoulders shall be disqualified from competition as a Toy Poodle .

            As long as the Toy Poodle is definitely a Toy Poodle and the Miniature Poodle a Miniature Poodle, both in balance and proportion for the Variety, diminuitiveness shall be the deciding factor when all point are equal.


PROPORTION - To insure the desirable squarely built appearance, the length of the body measured from the breastbone to the point of the rump approximates the height from the highest point of the shoulders to the ground.


SUBSTANCE - Bone and muscle of both the forelegs and hind legs are in proportion to size of dog.


There is no recognized Poodle Variety such as ROYAL, TEA CUP, or TINY TOY

These are marketing terminologies to sell Poodles for more money.

In fact, these are not a recognized terms.

Click here for more information on the Breed Standard.


Orlando Poodle Club members follow the code of ethics in the breeding and care of their poodles. They breed with the AKC Standard, that is set by the Poodle Club of America, in mind to promote the best interest of the Breed they love.
To maintain the high standard among our members and our devotion to
 Good Sportsmanship.
Many believe that these principles of sportsmanship are the prime reason why our
sport has thrived for over 100 years.
1) To abide by our By-laws set by Orlando Poodle Club, Poodle Club of America
and American Kennel Club
2) Conduct yourself in a mannerly way at our shows and whenever representing
our Breed.
3) That our breeding stock be registered with the American Kennel Club and do
all and any necessary Health screening.
4) Members are to maintain the highest standard of cleanliness, care and health of their
Poodles/ pets in their care.
5) Be honest about your Poodle family.The training they have had, health records and possible
health issues.
6) Members are to maintain AKC registration records, health/ vet  records and pedigrees.
7) Breeding is done to improve our dogs.
8) Members are to do all the heritable defect screening before they breed. And have proof of the
screening before they sell their stock. For potential puppy buyers.
 9) To encourage new puppy owners to return for a grooming about a month after their purchase,
so the breeder can see how the puppy is doing.
The breeder can help the new owner better care for the puppy.
10) Share our experiences about our Poodles as to help others
with the care of their Poodles.
11) To encourage  attending AKC events and learn more about their breed.

Orlando Poodle Club members follow the code of ethics in the breeding and care of their poodles. They breed with the AKC Standard, that is set by the Poodle Club of America, in mind to promote the best interest of the Breed they love.

To maintain the high standard among our members and our devotion to Good Sportsmanship, many believe that these principles of sportsmanship are the prime reason why our sport has thrived for over 100 years.

1. To abide by our By-laws set by Orlando Poodle Club, Poodle Club of America and American Kennel Club.

2. Conduct yourself in a mannerly way at our shows and whenever representing our Breed.

3. That our breeding stock be registered with the American Kennel Club and do all and any necessary Health screening.

4. Members are to maintain the highest standard of cleanliness, care and health of their Poodles/ pets in their care.

5. Be honest about your Poodle family. The training they have had, health records and possible health issues.

6. Members are to maintain AKC registration records, health/ vet records and pedigrees.

7. Breeding is done to improve our dogs.

8. Members are to do all the heritable defect screening before they breed. And have proof of the screening before they sell their stock. For potential puppy buyers.

9. To encourage new puppy owners to return for a grooming about a month after their purchase, so the breeder can see how the puppy is doing. The breeder can help the new owner better care for the puppy.

10. Share our experiences about our Poodles as to help others with the care of their Poodles.

11. To encourage attending AKC event