Poodle Club, Inc.
Orlando, Florida

Maureen (Rene) Peteler

Kennel Name: Tropical Toy Poodles

Variety: Toys

Contact Information: maureenmarilyn1@aol.com

Involvement: AKC Judge, JR Education Committee  

Other Clubs: Poodle Club of America 

Notable Accomplishments: 

Breeder of the #1 Toy Poodle in 2001 "Marilyn”, #3 Toy Poodle in 2010 “Sunny”, #3 Toy Poodle in 2011 “Charm”

Tawnya Ann Bobst

Kennel Name: Tantalite Toy Poodles 


Variety: Toys

Contact Information: tantalite3@aol.com, (321)254-0375

Involvement: Member of Orlando Poodle Club since 1980's, Former President Space. Coast Kennel Club of Palm Bay

Other Clubs: Space Coast Kennel Club

Notable AccomplishmPictureents: AKC Breeder of Merit, 2014 Best Bred by Exhibitor Toy Poodle, 2014 Owner of Reserve Winner at PCA, 2005 Best Toy Stud Dog in  PCA

Karen Kazma, Treasure of Orlando Poodle Club 

Variety: Standard

Contact Information: teamfurry2@aol.com

Jane Giffin, Board of Orlando Poodle Club

Variety: Standards

Contact Information: jrrgiffin@yahoo.com

Groomer at Wags to Riches Grooming Shop located in Maitland, FL


Notable Accomplishments: Master Certified Groomer


Carolyn Holmes, President of Orlando Poodle Club 

Kennel Name: Carmine Poodles

Variety: Red Toys

Contact Information: carminepoodles@gmail.com   


Involvement: Member OPC since 2008

Joyce Carelli

Kennel Name: Carlyn

Variety: Standard 

Contact Information: jcarelli7289@icloud.com

Involvement: Conformation, Barn Hunt, Retriever and Spaniel Hunt Test 

Other Clubs: Poodle Club of America

Notable Accomplishments: PCA Recording Secretary 4 years, PCA Treasurer 4 years, Treasurer of Palmetto Poodle Club, Breeder/Owner/Handler of Grand Champions, Champion, and Master Hunt  

Amanda (Mandy) Rose

Variety: Toys Poodles

Contact Information: vegas.local@yahoo.com

Involvement: Professional Ring Steward

Louann Currey

Kennel Name: Majic Standard Poodles

Variety: Standard 

Contact Information: louanncurrey@gmail.co

Involvement: AKC Obedience and Rally Judge, Obedience Instructor, competes in Obedience, Rally, Scent Work, and Barn Hunt. 

Other Clubs: Imperial Polk Obedience Club, Bearded Collie Club of America, and the American Chinese Crested Club

Notable Accomplishments: AKC Breeder of Merit, Poodles bred have earned top titles in Obedience, Conformation, Barn Hunt and Rally

Judy Harris

Kennel Name: Broad Bay Toy Poodles

Variety: Toy

Contact Information: cj0319@gmail.com

Involvement: Past president of Tampa Bay Poodle Club and Tidelands Poodle Club of Virginia

Other Clubs: Tampa Bay Poodle Club, Tidelands Poodle Club of Virginia

Notable Accomplishments: Breeder of Merit, Best Opposite Sex Westminster, Best of Variety PCA

Suzan A. Cox

Variety: Standards 

Contact Information: sacx48@gmail.com

Involvement: Obedience, Rally, Animal Rescues, Therapy Dog

Other Clubs: Greenspring Poodle Club, Canine Training Association in Greenbelt and Davidsonville, MD  


“As for my life with poodles, that began with my parents' adopting a mini when I was ten years old.  As an adult, I've adopted two minis and two standards whom I've shown in Obedience and Rally.  The standard poodle will forever be my breed of choice.  For me there's nothing like it!”

Michaela L Bryant

Kennel Name: Karesque Standard Poodles

Variety: Standard 

Contact Information: michaela.l.l.bryant@gmail.com

Involvement: Agility and Rally

“If my dogs ae having fun, then I am having fun.” 

Linda Robinson

Kennel Name: Silkwind Toy Poodles

Variety: Toy

Contact Information: silkwindpoodles@gmail.com, (352)598-5782

Other Clubs: Tampa Bay Poodle Club

Notable Accomplishments: Breeder of International Best in Show Champion Toy Poodles, including PCA Winners Dog, Reserve Winner Bitch, Best Puppy in Specialty, Award of Merit since 1995 


“Dedicated to the preservation of conformation, health & temperament in the Toy Poodle variety!”

Charlotte Mitchell, Board Member of Orlando Poodle Club

Variety: Standard and Minatare 

Contact Information: esquette548@gmail.com

Involvement: Field, Scent work, Rally

Other Clubs: Palmetto Poodle Club, Retriever Clubs

Amanda Fontenot, Board Member of Orlando Poodle Club

Involvement: Canine Good Citizen Evaluator  

Jennifer Manders

Kennel Name: Forever Poodles

Variety: Miniature

Contact Information: foreverpups@gmail.com


Involvement: Conformation 

Other Clubs: Mid Florida Havanese Club and Central Florida Kerry Blue Terrier Club

Notable Accomplishments: Breeder of Merit, produced over 100 titles poodles and some making it into the top 10 over the years. Showing and breeding since 1995